Championship Classes Rules

MDA hosts Championship classes, using the 2nd test of the level, at the Finals show at the end of the season every year.  To qualify to compete in these Championship classes the horse and rider team needs to earn ONE score of 62.0% or higher in one of the shows held prior to the Finals show.

Championship classes are held for the following tests:

1) The competitor must be an MDA member before the score is earned.

2) The qualifying score must be earned in the same show season as  the Finals show is held.

3) Each attempt at a qualifying score has a $5.00 fee in addition to the regular class fee.

  • This fee must be paid BEFORE the score is earned

6) Horse and rider combinations must pay the $5 to signal that they are trying for a qualifying score BEFORE they ride the test.

  • No scores will count unless the fee is paid before the ride

7) At the finals show the horses can only be ridden by the rider who earned the qualifying score with some exceptions below.

  • Shared horses

      1. The horse is to only be ridden by the rider who qualified it until that rider’s Championship class is over.

      2. At that time, the next rider may ride the horse until their Championship class is over.

  • Trainers cannot warm up horses.

8) Formal attire is highly preferred for Championship classes.

9) No bell boots, wraps, or whips are allowed in Championship classes.

10) Readers are not allowed in Championship classes.

11) Regular classes are also held at the Finals show.  These classes do not require any additional fees and are run like a regular schooling show.