Schooling Show Rules

1) All entries must be done online at

2) Negative coggins within one year is required

3) MDA Schooling shows follow USEF/USDF/WDAA rules as closely as possible

4) Coaches must remain outside of the warm up arena

5) Lunging/tacking/hand walking is not allowed in the warm up arena

6) All tests will be the most current tests in use - please note this does not always mean they match the year of use.  New USEF/USDF tests came out in 2023 and will be used for four years.  USEA and WDAA currently use 2022 tests.

7) Readers are allowed for all tests except Finals Championship classes at the Finals show

  • Competitors must supply their own reader

8) A horse can do a total of four  tests in one day.

  • The horse can have more than one rider but must follow the consecutive level rule

9) Horses may not be entered in more than one consecutive level

  • Example Training and First, or First and Second

  • Except  Quadrille and Pas De Deux

10) MDA uses the Danish System for awarding ribbons - see chart below for point to ribbon placing conversion.

  • Riders may enter the same test more than once

  • Riders need to be aware that there are requirements of how many tests of the level need to be shown to be eligible for a year end award.  See Awards rules.

11) Each show will award a High Score Award to the following

  • USDF Introductory level

  • WDAA Introductory level

  • USEF Training - FEI levels

  • WDAA Western/Gaited classes

  • USEA Eventing tests

  • USDF Musical Freestyle,  Pas De Deux / Quadrille

12) Competitors have until the end of the show day - before the judge leaves - to dispute any test calculation errors.  

  • It is the competitors responsibility to check that their test score is correct on the official scoreboard at the show

  • It is the competitors responsibility to make sure the results posted online are correct as these are used to calculate Year End awards

      1. There is a 15 day period that competitors may dispute the online score

      2. After 15 days the online score is considered final

13) Scratches must be made via email to so a time stamp can be used

  • Scratches made before the closing date will  have show fees refunded

  • Scratches made after the closing date with a DR or VET note dated within 7 days of closing date will be refunded

14) Attire is schooling show casual but follows USEF rules as closely as possible

  • Breeches or jodhpurs can be any muted color. 

    — Bright, Neon, or patterned are NOT allowed

    — Contrast piping IS allowed

  • Shirts can be of any color, long or short sleeved with a collar

    — Bold patterns are not allowed

    — Sleeveless is not allowed

    — T shirts are not allowed

  • Neckwear is NOT used unless a coat is worn

  • Coats can be of any color

    — Coats may NOT have bold stripes

  • Tall boots or paddock boots with half chaps are allowed

    — Paddock boots alone can only be used when wearing jodhpurs

15) Horse leg protection is allowed at MDA schooling shows

  • With the exception of Championship Classes at the Finals show

16) ASTM/SEI Helmets with chin straps properly secured MUST be worn at all times while mounted

  • Judges and show management may stop a competitor and ask them to properly tighten the harness of a helmet

17) Braiding is optional

18) Good sportsmanship

  • All shows are run by volunteers who are working hard for everyone to have a great day

  • MDA reserves the right to sanction disrespectful behavior through verbal or written warnings, possible forfeiture of ribbons and scores, or suspension from future shows.

19) NON compete horses

  • Must be registered with the show and have number on at all times.

  • Must have proof of negative coggins.

  • Must have a signed Hold Harmless Waiver.

  • Foals are NOT permitted.

  • Stallions are permitted at MDA and the farm owner’s discretion.

20) Children must be under adult supervision at all times.

21) Dogs are not allowed.

22) If a show is held at a farm that has jumps available, competitors must ask the farm owner for permission to use any jumps.  The farm owner assumes liability for all jumping - both stadium and XC style. This may only take place after MDA activities have been completed.

23) All USEF/USDF/WDAA classes are in the large arena.